
Banglarbhumi.gov.in Khatian no and Plot no Search

Wb banglarbhumi Khatian number and plot number Search খতিয়ান ও দাগের তথ্য , Mutation, ROR, Mauza Maps and all nakal copy of WB Banglarbhumi Khatian & Plot Information Certified Copy at banglarbhumi.gov.in/BanglarBhumi/Home.action
Wb banglarbhumi land records are provided by the land and land reforms department. by using Banglarbhumi khatian no and plot no to get banglarbhumi khatian and plot information map (খতিয়ান ও দাগের তথ্য )and how to obtain banglarbhumi khatian and plot information certificate and ROR complete details mention here.

Banglarbhumi.gov.in Khatian no and plot number Search খতিয়ান ও দাগের তথ্য  

Visit the official website of Banglarbhumi portal
www.banglarbhumi.gov.in or https://banglarbhumi.gov.in/BanglarBhumi/Home.action
where on display, click on the “Know Your Property ” link.
It movies towords West Bengal Banglarbhumi Land Records link banglarbhumi.gov.in will appear. That means Banglarbhumi Khatian no Search খতিয়ান ও দাগের তথ্য online And Khatian Mouza map.

Where You need to enter your Khatian no or plot no location details like District, Block, Mouza.
Once you filling the details, Automatically that related location details option to Search will display.

Actually Banglarbhumi land search by
1.  Search by Khatian No
2.  Search by Plot Number

By  searching banglarbhumi.gov.in khatian no search ,If you enter your khatian number in the given window and click on submit button on screen.
Another option, To select search by plot number then enter your plot number in the given window and click on the submit button on screen.

after giving all Details, by clicking on submit button, the screen will show you - your land records on the screen if the records are available, incase your giving details any wrong or not enrol in banglarbhumi wb registration , when that message will displayed, “record not found”.

And now lets take a print out of your banglarbhumi land reforms. here Some reasons behind one of the question arise , that means  how the people of land owner can obtain the certified copy of West Bengal land records (banglarbhumi Khatian and Plot information). The reasons behind the solution also mention here below ,that can follow , you can easily get the certified copy of WB land records.

How to get Certified copy of WB banglarbhumi.gov.in Khatian & Plot information 2023:

Banglarbhumi Wb registration officially certifies to enrol the land details on online. BY using your khatian no or plot no thats results will display on screen. After that details can be certified copy of plot information, Record of Right (RoR), people need to go to the concerned Block Land & Land Reforms Office (BL & LRO) in west Bengal.

Submitting the application on a standard size paper along with court fees of Rs. 20.
The require details to submit :
1. Applicant’s all necessary details
2.  Mouza name
3. Khatian number or plot number and
4.  J.L. number (unique mouza number)
These are deails to submit to obtains the banglarbhumi Khatian and plot information certificate.
For more details visit official website of banglarbhumi 2023 : www.banglarbhumi.gov.in/

Banglarbhumi.gov.in khatian & plot information map :

Visit official website : https://banglarbhumi.gov.in/BanglarBhumi/Home.action

Goto Citizen service, where select "Mouza Identificationমৌজা পরিচিতি” .
goto "know your property" and where given your জেলা (District), ব্লক (Block) amd মৌজা (Mouza ).

finally Select "search by khatian or plot no", the image as given below.

For More details Visit website of  official banglarbhumi portalhttp://banglarbhumi.gov.in/eDSS/indexAction.action
